The next evolution of World War Z is coming in 2021
Intense new story episodes across Rome, Vatican City and Russia
Brutal new combat system feat dual-wield melee sickles, cleavers and more
First-person mode and much more
Thank you to the worldwide community of World War Z players – now over 15 million strong! Stay tuned for more info about World War Z: Aftermath including the official gameplay video coming later this summer! (Source: Playstation)

Sabre Interactive are having a great 2020 and 2021 with multiple titles coming out through 2021 and 2022 under their label, World War Z: Aftermath is another such entry and even though the first title had a mostly luke-warm reception at launch, its sales numbers and steadily growing community has warranted a sequel/expansion in 4k60fps, I cant wait to see if they can nail the formula the second time around and give us something to rival Left4Dead.
