The long awaited survival horror sequel, Dead Island 2, will take places in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Set roughly a decade after the events of Dead Island, The US government and military are forced to put California under full quarantine due to a new and stronger zombie outbreak!
Dead Island 2 (finally!) releases Friday, April 21 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. As per usual, we're back with our bargain guides to get you the right bargain and value, for you! There's a few editions to pick from including A Day One Edition (Standard) to a HELL-A Edition. For many players, this has been quite a wait - but now it's almost here! Hooray!
EB Games
Xbox One Day One Edition $99.95 | Pulp Edition $99.95
Xbox Series X Day One Edition $99.95 | Pulp Edition $99.95
PlayStation 4 Day One Edition $99.95 | Pulp Edition $99.95 | HELL-A Edition $149.95
PlayStation 5 Day One Edition $99.95 | Pulp Edition $99.95 | HELL-A Edition $149.95
Xbox Series X Day One Edition with Bonus Zombie Tarot Cards $79 | HELL-A Edition $149
PlayStation 4 Day One Edition with Bonus Zombie Tarot Cards $79 | HELL-A Edition $149
PlayStation 5 Day One Edition with Bonus Zombie Tarot Cards $79 | HELL-A Edition $149
Big W
Harvey Norman
Amazon AU
Xbox One Day 1 Edition $74.99
Xbox Series X Day 1 Edition $74.99
PlayStation 4 Day 1 Edition $74.99
PlayStation 5 Day 1 Edition $74.99
PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Epic Games Store
Best Bargain instore is Harvey Norman, Big W and JB HI FI, while online best bargain is Amazon AU followed by Epic Games Store.
Not sure or on the fence? Check out these trailers below;
Launch trailer
Extended Gameplay